Arrested or Charged with a Crime by the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office

Arrested or charged with a crime or disorderly person’s offense in Middlesex County, Superior Court, New Brunswick, N.J. 

Of course not every defendant who is charged with a crime in Middlesex County has his or case dismissed by the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office, or obtains a not guilty verdict after a jury trial.  In fact, the percent of these defendants’ who obtain such results are small compared to the percentage of defendants who accept pleas or obtain not guilty verdicts.

Nonetheless, these facts should not deter someone accused of a crime in Middlesex County to give up.  Statistically, it has been proven over and over again, that the defendant’s who retained experienced criminal defense counsel are more likely to obtain a not guilty verdict, dismissal of his or her case, or a favorable plea.  Ultimately such results do not come easy, and such results are obtained because the attorney handling the case has a reputation in the criminal defense community of knowledge of the law, proven trial experience, and preparation of the case, which includes independent investigation of the case, which includes interviewing potential witnesses.

If you have been charged with a crime of disorderly person’s offense in Middlesex County you should consult Attorney Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr. who has a reputation in Middlesex County for hard work and successful results.

Vincent J. Sanzone, Jr., Esq.

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